Six tips to keep positive working in self-isolation

Whether you’re working from home or still travelling to the office, 2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone. Our day-to-day has changed significantly, yet, as we adjust and adapt, it’s important to remain positive.

By Frankie Sloan

Whether you’re working from home or still travelling to the office, 2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone. Our day-to-day has changed significantly, yet, as we adjust and adapt, it’s important to remain positive.

Be kind to yourself

With a huge number of businesses grinding to a halt during Covid-19, you might not have been able to work as you were used to. Remember – you’re not alone. Do what you can and work with what you’ve got, don’t punish yourself over situations that are out of your control. Be kind to yourself and remember you’re doing the best you can, these difficult times will pass and are not permanent.

Try meditation or yoga

If you’ve never really meditated before, why not give it a go? Whether you try it before work, during your lunch break or after a difficult call – meditating can decrease stress, reduce anxiety levels and help rest your mind. You can find lots of helpful, free and easy to follow meditation guides online, with different timings to suit your working routine.

Stay connected to your work colleagues and staff

It’s completely normal to feel lonely in 2020. With on-and-off lockdowns and restrictions, many of us are working from home and even those who aren’t are under strict rules to stay apart from their team mates.

To combat any feelings of isolation, stay in regular contact with your colleagues, encourage and uplift each other with positive words, compliments or even share funny photos in your Whatsapp work chat. It’s the little things that can mean the most or brighten someone’s day. Keep each other well informed of business movements and try and stay up-to-date with the goings on of your team. Have regular phone calls, stay in contact and check on your staff, especially those who are isolating alone.

Manage your anxiety using creativity

Another great way to manage your anxiety is to get creative. Why not use your lunch break to download a language app and start learning Spanish? Buy some paint and start upcycling the coffee table that you’ve wanted to refurbish since last year. Take up a new hobby to relax and unwind – you never know, you might find a passion for something you never thought of before.

Get some sleep

There are so many wonderful benefits to having a good nights sleep; better mood, increased productivity, lower blood pressure, reduced stress levels to name a few. Yet, how many of us actually get a good rest before work? It’s so important to follow your bedtime routine even when working from home to ensure you relax and unwind before sleep. Make sure you stop work at the time you would if you were in the office, and put your phone done at least a couple of hours before getting into bed.

Instead of sitting on social media reading negative news, why not have a bath, drink green tea or read a book, allowing your mind to switch off and give yourself some much needed ‘me’ time.

Work in a nice environment

Your environment at work is a huge contributor to how you feel, so if you’re working from home try to create a comfortable working station where you can easily be productive. The space should be light, airy and bright with everything you need for your working day. You may have never worked from home before, you may have children to look after and no quiet area in which to work. Working from home is not for everyone. So just try and find somewhere YOU feel comfortable and able to work sufficiently.

Take it a day at a time

2020 has certainly been a year to remember and it’s easy to get dragged down into a spiral of negative thoughts and feelings. With so much uncertainty everyone is searching for an “end” date, but the best we can do is focus on the here and now. Take each day as it comes and deal with its challenges as they arise. The pandemic will end and life will return to normal again, so stay positive and we will get through this – together.

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